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Electric Bike Wheels: A Guide to Features & Care

Electric Bike Wheels: A Guide to Features & Care

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Electric Bike Wheels: A Guide to Features & Care

Wheels are the heart and soul of every electric bike. They suffer the force of every bump you hit and every brake you press. Moreover, things like wear and tear, punctures, and damaged spokes can considerably reduce the lifespan of your e-bike wheels.

That is why, choosing the right set of wheels for your electric bike is very important for safe and comfortable rides. And just as important is regular maintenance and proper care of those electric bike wheels.

In this article, we’ve put together a short yet comprehensive electric bike wheel guide that will not only help you choose the right wheels for your needs but also provide necessary tips for e-bike wheel care.

So, let’s dive right in!

Understanding Electric Bike Wheels

Before we start talking about maintenance, let’s first take a closer look at the major components, various types, and different sizes of electric bike wheels. This will help you better understand our maintenance and care tips as well as help you choose the right wheels for your needs.

Components of Electric Bike Wheels

Components of Electric Bike Wheels


An electric bike wheel has FOUR major components:

  • Hub: Home to the motor that powers the electric bike wheels, the hub is the central component of the wheel. In other words, the hub is where the magic happens. When you’re tired of pedaling, this hub uses the stored electric charge to create mechanical energy that keeps the bike moving.
  • Spokes: Spokes are the thin metal wires that connect the hub to the rim and add an extra layer of support. Unlike the rim, spokes are made from stainless steel for some extra rigidity and durability.
  • Rim: Rims of electric bike wheels are stronger and sturdier than your typical bicycle tyre rims because they need to take the added weight of motors and batteries. Top electric bike brands use aluminum and carbon fiber for their electric bike rims, with aluminum being the more popular choice due to its lower cost.
  • Tyre: Tyres remain in constant contact with the terrain. The rider’s comfort and safety and the bike’s performance depend on the type and size of the tyres. Thicker tyres offer

better traction and puncture resistance while thin tyres are lightweight, easier to maneuver, and quicker on smooth pedestrian roads.

Tyres are further categorised by type and size, so let’s discuss those in a bit more detail.

Types of Electric Bike Tyres & Their Sizes

Types of Electric Bike Tyres & Their Sizes
Even though we categorised the tyres into “thick” and “thin” in the above section, there are more types and size options to consider. Different types of tyres are made in varying sizes to help you cover all types of terrain.

The three major types of electric bike tyres are:

  1. Road Tyres: These are thin tyres tailor-made for flat, paved roads in the city. They are commonly 1 to 2 inches wide and 26 to 29 inches in diameter. Road tyres come with light treads for reduced rolling resistance but provide just enough grip in rainy/snowy weather. 
  2. Off-Road Tyres: As the name suggests, off-road tyres are made for gritty and rugged mountain e-bikes. These are thicker - 2 to 4 inches wide - and have more aggressive tread patterns for better grip. However, all this means the tyres are heavier and have high rolling resistance.
  3. Hybrid Tyres: Hybrid tyres offer the best of both worlds. They provide the grip and traction of off-road tyres and the easy maneuverability of road tyres. These are normally 1.5 to 3 inches wide and are available in different diameters - 26 to 29 inches

Must-Have Features of Electric Bike Wheels

While you want to pay close attention to things like spoke count, rim materials, and tyre type/size, there are a few more features of electric bike wheels that you should look for.

  • Puncture Resistance: Puncture-resistant bike tyres are the latest offering from the wheel industry. Most e-bikes come equipped with puncture-resistant bike tyres now.
  • Shock Absorbing: Although most electric bikes come with a suspension system, some models don’t. Shock-absorbing tyres are made for those models. Tubeless tyres are excellent shock absorbers. You can also get tyres with additional cushioning layers for smoother rides across all terrains. 
  • Quick Release Mechanism: This one is a highly underrated feature. A quick-release mechanism lets you remove your e-bike wheels with ease, making cleanup and maintenance a bit easier and a little less messy.

If you don’t know how to take care of your e-bike wheels, the next section will tell you everything you should do.

Guide to Electric Bike Wheels Maintenance & Care

1. Maintain Air Pressure

To prolong the life of your electric bike tyre and keep your rides comfortable, make sure the air pressure is always at an optimal level.

What’s the optimal level, you ask? Well, there is none. It depends on plenty of external factors like the terrain and the weather conditions. 

One rule of thumb is to keep the air pressure within the range mentioned on the tyre. Secondly, check the pressure at least once a week because tyres lose some air pressure overtime, especially after long rides.

Guide to Electric Bike Wheels Maintenance & Care

2. Regular Inspections

Regularly inspect all major components of your electric bike wheels. Check the tyre for any wear and tear. Make sure there are no gravel or nails stuck into the treads as they could cause punctures. 

Keep a close eye on the spokes. Make sure they are firm and straight. Tighten any loose spokes and replace any bent or damaged ones. Similarly, bent rims can cause permanent damage to the tyre. If you see any damage on the rims, get it repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Lastly, keep the hub clean and safe from water. Grease the bearings and the hub but don’t overdo it.

3. Avoid Riding with a Flat & Low Air Pressure

Riding with a flat tyre causes a lot of damage to the entire wheel. The rim can cut through the tire. You can end up with a damaged rim and bent spokes. It can even cause damage to the hub. Puncture-resistant tyres can take care of this for you. 

Avoid Riding with a Flat & Low Air Pressure

Similarly, riding with tyre air pressure that’s below the minimum range can also damage the tyre and eventually the wheel.


Buy the right type of electric bike wheels for your needs. Keep them clean and regularly inspect and maintain all major components to make sure your wheels last as long as they should. Compromise on features and maintenance and you’re compromising your own safety and comfort.

If you’re looking for a new electric bike, we have a list of the 5 best electric bikes that you can buy for under €1000.